Wednesday, July 23, 2014

a bit unusual linear voltage regulator

some months ago i tested the FM-mic circuit that made the most sense of the ones presented in www - actually i want to use it for data comm. but there's along way there

anyways (during the test) the fq. drifted down something like a half a MHz per second ???

there might be several reasons for that
- the Cu-coil acting as a spring (slowly - expanding??)
- the battery being too weak (i had no regulator in this test)
- the BJT heating up (loosing the h21e value)
- other ...

... starting from the supply i attached a simple/efficient regulator (not tested in practice yet - all simulation) ::


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Idiots' Club

Hi, i'm idiot - just like the rest of the Google ^_^ (feels like at ♥home♥)

what we must realize here is that the upper v. does not display on Google/Blogger while the lower v. actually does . . . . . . . . . i guess it's obvious that it is so . . . something . . . um

now with sources

this is how you can do 1&'he same thing over&(f)o(re)ver & there's Zero use of it

in blogger preview :: (this is in mainline what the reader would see after release/publishing)

update :: the TL'-s error tracking feature looks like to be exportable

in released post :: (this - is what you do see (after publishing))

. . . trading off the startup/NRG to range and Fq. . . . don't ask me how - i just work here XD

[EoF] src :: 

& B4 it in Editor's HTML preview :: (this is what you'd never saw until now F;Y)
i just work here XD<br />
<hr />
<script language="javascript"><!--
function idv(x,y){return Math.floor(x/y-(x%y)/y+1/4)}var ps=new Array(),sp=new Array(),zx=new Array(),m=0,r,c,n,z;ps[m++]="ef336fddd1069f91ea2";ps[m++]="e9e32f4f9f769d1cf0e";ps[m++]="cf99120c7bf66ffc9ea";ps[m++]="2c5b30e3fad13eebc32";ps[m++]="61fd32bc5f9b7ee5d1f";ps[m]="0";ps[m]+=ps[m++];for(var i=0;i<8;i++){n=13*i;r=idv(n,19);c=n%19;if(c>6){sp[i]=ps[r].substr(c,19-c)+ps[(r+1)%6].substr(0,c-6)}else{sp[i]=ps[r].substr(c,13)}}n=0;for(var i=0;i<8;i++)for(var k=0;k<2;k++)for(var j=0;j<4;j++){var r=4*k+j; c=8*i+r;sx=parseInt("0x0"+sp[i].substr(6*k,6+k));zx[c]=(sx>>>(7*(3-j)))&0x07F;if(r==0){n+=zx[c]}}z="";for(var i=0;i<n;i++){var r=idv(i,7)*8+i%7+1;z+=String.fromCharCode(zx[r])}document.write(z);var tthf=document.getElementById("txetgnihsalf");var ttvs=60,tths=0,tm0r;function f7a5h3r(){tm0r=setTimeout("f7a5h3r();",ttvs+tths);if(tths==0){tthf.color="#0061ff"}else{tthf.color="#ff3c00"}tths=1-tths}function init0CBA(){var tm0r=setTimeout("f7a5h3r();",1000)}document.onload=init0CBA();
 :: it seems the TL's error tracking feature is adaptable to different supply schemes . . .
<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" height="234" width="320" /></a></div>
[End of this bullsh¡t]

Custom Zener

about the Rightmost CC-(?source)-sink from - the CZ("title") used there - teh variations 1-st -
- the ® it starts to generate(oscillate) @ 130Hz (there might be problems using such in US 60Hz(120Hz full-wave rectified) grid) - PS! i mostly do fast designs for "feature (exists/works)" chk.-s - i don't fully test nor analyze 'em - unless i intend to build smth. in real
- this is actually the last modification (my v. numbering is not continuous - i leave gaps to dev the prev to that point 1) . . . so, it may be thought such improves the Zener plot curve - as in fact in such a low Vtg. it much does not . . . . . . it had some adv.-ge to ® whitch i don't already remember . . .
- the pre-last v. that turned out to be most successful in extending the "in-range" ??? range ^_,^ - so as it /!\ promises can be used up to 16kHz if it stays in specified range (gets shrinked @ higher fq.-s) PS! my attempts to avoid re-generating is based on error trial + heuristic prediction - i don't do wave theory too well - t.m - i can't tell if it applies to real world or is it a numerical integer sync./de-sync. from simulator engine's simplifications - should be verified with the scope ((for a real build) which i don't have)
- the next to the ® v. (e.g. the 2-nd v.) - a final of 1-st modification series - here everything to right from , including the , - ( R5 , R2 ) is a constant current sink defining an opening point for PNP on R1 . . .
. . . i guess this phenomena is worth some further look . . .
. . . trading off the startup/NRG to range and Fq. . . . don't ask me how - i just work here XD

:: it seems the TL's error tracking feature is adaptable to different supply schemes . . .
. . . re- :: hi-ko ??? -- :: it seems the TL's error tracking feature is adaptable to different supply schemes ::

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

TL431 lab 2

extends the

. . . made a bit mdf.-s to . .
PS! it's nothing final - just a temporal stop of the exploration of it's behavior . . . the resistance-step response's quite not what we want to see
An experimental design to feed low voltage opAmp or comparator . . .
+ the bullshit - i can't design the switching regulators too well (if at all) ::
. . . but i needed to test my experimental comparator - which i also can't design ^_^ but it seems to do smth.
the funny thing about it is that i tried to use as few components as possible - ↑ here we go ↑ - the least number of components for BJT-only low-sup.-vtg. comparator (i didn't especially sweat on ot's output stages design . . . ) . . . -- . . . the summary here is that a FET.v would be more capable (this is the 1 used in prev. figure/ /!\ /!\ /!\simulation /!\ /!\ /!\ however)

:: the TL'-s error tracking feature looks like to be exportable

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Re: Non real world Constant current sources Comparison

extends ::

The advantage of the Rightmost is that you can omit the uni-junction (somewhat improves the operations) and replace it with Rx1/10 ► can work @ Lo-voltages / µA-range

The Leftmost (Modified p.233 fig.10.10 GE Transistor Manual) uses

... which' real world performance has yet to be confirmed
